Asse municipality is appointing a business park manager to set up sustainable park management. All sites will be brought on board to create a fully-fledged non-profit organisation ‘Parkmanagement Asse’ as the mouthpiece of the local business community.
Business park management as an engine for making business parks more sustainable
In 2015, VZW ‘Parkmanagement Asse’ was already on the drawing board as a collaboration between VOKA, Pom Vlaams Brabant, VWBO, Ecopower and several local companies. Due to circumstances, this plan extinguished. Today, the municipality of Asse together with Transition Stories and Quares is breathing new life into this idea! With the help of the external manager, not only will the association see the light of day, but a number of promising cooperation projects on Asse’s land will also be launched. In doing so, we will give a strong impetus to entrepreneurial life as well as establish a lasting dialogue between businesses and the municipal administration.
What are we going to do?
Quares takes on the business park management and provides the park manager. Transition Stories investigates how to work together to make the sites more sustainable in terms of energy, mobility, personnel, greenery and biodiversity. First we will draw up an online survey for the companies, the results of which will be discussed in a workshop with the various companies. In the second part of the assignment, we set to work on drawing up a project sheet. The result is an ambitious but achievable project portfolio on which the park manager can build. In this way, we lay the foundations for a strong operation that makes Asse a pole of attraction for business activity.