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News update: Beringen heat policy plan takes shape

By 20 January 2023June 10th, 2024No Comments
The city of Beringen appointed Transition Stories and Kelvin Solutions to shape its heat policy based on the heat zoning map.

From heat zoning map to heat policy plan

The city of Beringen has high ambitions when it comes to heat. Thanks to Kelvin Solutions’ study work commissioned by the province of Limburg, the city has a finely-meshed heat zoning map and is actively helping to realise a first heat network in the Houtpark subdivision project. The necessary step towards a heat policy plan to move from vision to realisation has now been taken.

What are we going to do?

Transition Stories and Kelvin Solutions are assisting the city of Beringen in drawing up its heat policy plan. In it, we bridge the gap between the climate plan, the heat zoning map and practice: what technical steps are needed to realise the objectives and how do we prioritise them? We examine this in an initial workshop and then work out how these steps can be put into practice: which policy instruments can Beringen deploy? How many resources should be provided for this? How can the effectiveness of the actions taken be monitored? The heat policy plan will be ready in May 2023.

Parallel to the drawing up of the heat policy plan, we are assisting the city with the Houtpark subdivision dossier. The experience gained there will be immediately integrated into the heat policy plan.

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