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News update: A look back at 2022 for Transition Stories

By 20 January 2023June 10th, 2024No Comments

While the world is literally and figuratively on fire in many places, showing once again that we need to green our energy supplies so that we are less dependent on other countries and can stop the climate crisis, we as a company see opportunities to participate in this sustainability process.

Flemish energy cooperatives, local governments, and businesses are more committed than ever to driving the climate transition. We are pleased to support these diverse parties with our vision and expertise on their journey. Transition Stories looks back on a busy 2022 with satisfaction, as many steps forward were made.

“With our new office at Mundo-a, we will be even more accessible.”

We established our second office in the ecological Mundo-a in the heart of Antwerp to be more accessible and available to our current and new clients.

“Our team forms a solid foundation for further growth in 2023.”

We also welcomed three new strong team members: Katelijne joined in July as a junior policy and participation expert, Nathalie in August for project support and office work, and Erik in November as a senior consultant and process facilitator. This positive addition strengthens our growth in 2023 and increases our impact.

A brief selection of our projects

Together, we successfully completed many projects. Here are a few highlights from our 2022 achievements:

“As lights go out in many places, local governments are turning on the lights to work on the climate transition. We are happy to support them!”

On behalf of the province of Antwerp, we developed a training program titled “From Heat Zoning to Heat Policy,” consisting of a digital package and a physical workshop. This provided practical support to Antwerp municipalities to translate the province’s initial heat analysis into projects and policy measures.

In Sint-Niklaas, we are working with the city council and local schools to develop a comprehensive climate action plan through an extensive school project. The goal is to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. More information can be found in our blog post Climate action plan for schools of Sint-Niklaas.

For the city of Leuven, we conducted an in-depth market study to identify the renovation needs of older apartment buildings. The result is a structured policy advice that Leuven can use to start deep renovations and enhance energy efficiency. The full news report is available here: Transition Stories develops a support package for renovation of apartment buildings with city of Leuven.

As an independent mediator, we supported the city of  Oostende in developing its heat network. During this project, we prepared a consultation note outlining the context, various viewpoints, and potential solutions to pave the way for the involved parties. This effort culminated in the procurement of the first city buildings on the heat network in collaboration with city services and Beauvent.

“We look forward to launching even more sustainability projects in 2023.”

Looking Ahead to 2023

With heads held high and our red cape in the wind, we are ready to tackle 2023! For many cities and municipalities, sustainable heat will be the main theme. We eagerly anticipate new projects and will further expand our training and educational offerings.

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