R-Aces wants to establish ecoregions: areas around business parks where energy is used consciously and sustainably. The three basic ingredients are modern heat networks, renewable energy production and control systems to coordinate everything within an ecoregion.
The aim was to transform existing sites into the heart of an ecoregion. To this end, a toolbox was put down, containing a self-assessment tool, contract templates for energy cooperation and an energy management software. This was complemented by training materials, such as a serious game. The R-Aces offering was tested on a number of sites in Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium and Italy before being made available to other site managers in Europe.
Peter Verboven’s role (still through Condugo at the time) was to shape and submit the project; manage the test site in Belgium (Antwerp) and mould the toolkit, focusing on the energy management software.
European Commission, H2020/Stichting ISPT
2020 – 2023
Reference theme
Future-proof business parks