Transition Stories was given the responsibility as an external jury to assess a variety of climate projects, with a particular focus on demonstration projects proposed by research institutions and companies. These projects were carefully selected and were subject to specific state aid rules, with a clear emphasis on pursuing economic objectives.
Each project file was thoroughly analysed and included a detailed application template, a classic logic framework with budget and timing, and a detailed description of the consortium involved in the project. The role as a jury member was mainly characterised by desk duties and online coordination with our co-assessors. This included harmonising assessments and discussing the strengths and challenges of each project.
The aim was to carefully evaluate the various climate projects, with a view to selecting the most promising initiatives for further development and support. This task required a thorough analysis of the project proposals submitted, as well as careful consideration of their potential impact and feasibility. The individual assessments were reported, presentations attended and joint work was carried out on the final assessment of each project file.